SQLServer テーブル定義の取得
Access のデータを読んで SQLSerevr 上のテーブルを更新する
テーブル定義 取得用 SQL
, c.data_type
information_schema.columns c
( c.table_name = '%table_name%' )
order by
DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=xxxxxx;DataBase=adventureworksdw;UID=yyyyyy;PWD=zzzzzz;
Option Explicit Private fs Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'SQLServer 接続文字列 読み込み Private tsCon Set tsCon = fs.OpenTextFile(WScript.Arguments(0)) Private sCon: sCon = "" If Not tsCon.AtEndOfStream Then sCon = tsCon.ReadLine End If tsCon.Close Set tsCon = Nothing 'SQLServer 接続 Private cnSqlServer Set cnSqlServer = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") With cnSqlServer .Provider = "SQLOLEDB" .ConnectionString = sCon .Open End With 'テーブル定義情報 取得用 SQL 読み込み Private tsSql Set tsSql = fs.OpenTextFile(WScript.Arguments(1)) Private sSql: sSql = "" Do Until tsSql.AtEndOfStream sSql = sSql & tsSql.ReadLine & vbNewLine Loop tsSql.Close Set tsSql = Nothing Set fs = Nothing 'テーブル名を指定 Dim tableName: tableName = WScript.Arguments(2) sSql = Replace(sSql, "%table_name%", tableName) Dim rsSqlServer Set rsSqlServer = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") With rsSqlServer .ActiveConnection = cnSqlServer .CursorType = 0 'adOpenForwardOnly .LockType = 1 'adLockReadOnly .Source = sSql .Open End With 'テーブル定義情報 取得 Dim tableInfos Set tableInfos = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") If Not rsSqlServer.EOF Then Do Until rsSqlServer.EOF tableInfos.Add rsSqlServer.Fields("column_name").Value & "", rsSqlServer.Fields("data_type").Value & "" rsSqlServer.MoveNext Loop End If rsSqlServer.Close 'Access 接続 Dim cnAccess' as ADODB.Connection Set cnAccess = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") With cnAccess .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & WScript.Arguments(3) & ";" .CursorLocation = 3' adUseClient .Open End With 'Access 読み込み Dim rsAccess' As ADODB.Recordset Set rsAccess = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") With rsAccess .Source = "SELECT * FROM " + WScript.Arguments(4) .Activeconnection = cnAccess .CursorType = 0' adOpenForwardOnly .LockType = 1' adLockReadOnly .Open End With Do Until rsAccess.EOF sSql = "MERGE_" & tableName & vbNewLine Dim i For i = 0 To rsAccess.Fields.Count - 1 If i <= tableInfos.Count - 1 Then If i = 0 Then sSql = sSql & " " Else sSql = sSql & ", " End If Dim columnName: columnName = rsAccess.Fields(i).Name sSql = sSql & "@" & Left(columnName & Space(32), 32) & " = " Select Case tableInfos.Item(columnName) Case "nvarchar", "nchar", "varchar", "char" sSql = sSql & "'" & rsAccess.Fields(i).Value & "'" & vbNewLine Case "datetime", "smalldatetime" If rsAccess.Fields(i).Value & "" = "" Then sSql = sSql & "NULL" & vbNewLine Else sSql = sSql & "'" & rsAccess.Fields(i).Value & "'" & vbNewLine End If Case Else If rsAccess.Fields(i).Value & "" = "" Then sSql = sSql & "NULL" & vbNewLine Else sSql = sSql & rsAccess.Fields(i).Value & vbNewLine End If End Select End If Next cnSqlServer.Execute sSql rsAccess.MoveNext Loop rsAccess.Close Set rsAccess = Nothing 'Access 切断 cnAccess.Close Set cnAccess = Nothing 'SQLServer 切断 cnSqlServer.Close Set cnSqlServer = Nothing Set tableInfos = Nothing
C:\>cscript c:\study\vbscript\chapter007\lesson004.vbs c:\study\vbscript\chapte
r007\lesson002.con c:\study\vbscript\chapter007\lesson004.sql DimAccount c:\stud
y\vbscript\chapter007\lesson002.mdb IMPORT_DimAccount //nologo
@AccountKey = 1
, @ParentAccountKey = NULL
, @AccountCodeAlternateKey = 1
, @ParentAccountCodeAlternateKey = NULL
, @AccountDescription = 'Balance Sheet'
, @AccountType = ''
, @Operator = '~'
, @CustomMembers = ''
, @ValueType = 'Currency'
, @CustomMemberOptions = ''MERGE_DimAccount
@AccountKey = 2
, @ParentAccountKey = 1
, @AccountCodeAlternateKey = 10
, @ParentAccountCodeAlternateKey = 1
, @AccountDescription = 'Assets'
, @AccountType = 'Assets'
, @Operator = '+'
, @CustomMembers = ''
, @ValueType = 'Currency'
, @CustomMemberOptions = ''MERGE_DimAccount
@AccountKey = 3
, @ParentAccountKey = 2
, @AccountCodeAlternateKey = 110
, @ParentAccountCodeAlternateKey = 10
, @AccountDescription = 'Current Assets'
, @AccountType = 'Assets'
, @Operator = '+'
, @CustomMembers = ''
, @ValueType = 'Currency'
, @CustomMemberOptions = ''...